Get started with affordable SMSF setup and fixed-fee administration packages

Many accountants charge a percentage of the SMSF investment portfolio value in lieu of, or in addition to, their hourly rates. But with The SMSF Accountant, you know in advance what each service or procedure will cost. This helps to keep SMSF overheads minimised while maintaining impeccable compliance.
Latest SMSF news
Why am I paying extra tax on my super contributions?
The basic tax rate applied to concessional contributions to superannuation funds is 15%. Concessional contributions include the compulsory superannuation guarantee on an employees wage (11.5% from 1 July 2024), as well as any contributions ...
Explaining the proposed new SMSF tax for FY 2025/2026
The government has recently proposed a brand new tax for superannuation funds in Australia with a projected start date for the 2025/2026 financial year. Whilst this may be bad news for some, it is ...
Carry-forward concessional contributions – explained
Carry-forward concessional contributions are a great tool to firstly build up your superannuation balance and secondly, to achieve a higher deduction than otherwise normally allowed. This may be beneficial when you have a higher ...
Bring-forward non-concessional contributions – explained
"Bring-forward non-concessional contributions" refers to a provision in the Australian superannuation system that allows individuals to make larger non-concessional (after-tax) contributions to their superannuation fund by bringing forward the contributions cap from future years. ...