Talk to The SMSF Accountant
Diana Morris is The SMSF Accountant, a CPA accounting firm.
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Talk to The SMSF Accountant
Diana Morris is The SMSF Accountant, a CPA accounting firm.
Latest SMSF news
Why am I paying extra tax on my super contributions?
The basic tax rate applied to concessional contributions to superannuation funds is 15%. Concessional contributions include the compulsory superannuation guarantee on an employees wage (11.5% from 1 July 2024), as well as any contributions ...
Explaining the proposed new SMSF tax for FY 2025/2026
The government has recently proposed a brand new tax for superannuation funds in Australia with a projected start date for the 2025/2026 financial year. Whilst this may be bad news for some, it is ...
Carry-forward concessional contributions – explained
Carry-forward concessional contributions are a great tool to firstly build up your superannuation balance and secondly, to achieve a higher deduction than otherwise normally allowed. This may be beneficial when you have a higher ...
Bring-forward non-concessional contributions – explained
"Bring-forward non-concessional contributions" refers to a provision in the Australian superannuation system that allows individuals to make larger non-concessional (after-tax) contributions to their superannuation fund by bringing forward the contributions cap from future years. ...